Sunday, December 9, 2012

For Love of the Breed

For anyone that knows me knows that I am in love with the weimaraner breed. I think their beauty is just a bonus to their intelligence and loyalty.

I am new to the blogging sites so bare with me. My goal is for people to get to know me, my life and my dogs, which are of course weimaraner's.  I want to create awareness of the breed on a deeper level, similar to that of William Wegman who has my greatest admiration for what he does with the breed.  I know his pictures are cute and adorable, but even more so it shows off the intelligence of the dog and how willing they are to please us. They love to occupy themselves with tasks and learn knew things that Wegman introduces to them on a daily basis.

The weimaraner has a strong desire to be with their owner, giving them a sad reputation for having high anxiety. The truth is they dont understand why they cant be with you 100% of the time. They thrive on companionship not merely exercise. Exercise for them is just a way to bond and please their owner. A weimaraner should never be left alone unattended and an owner should utilize a crate or kennel in their absence. A weimaraner will suffer depression if raised in a kennel however. A kennel should only be used for the sole purpose to contain your pet while you are gone.

The weimaraner is protective due to their loyalty, they are not mean nor aggressive but being protective is something different. My male weimaraner will not allow the children to wrestle. He will stand between them and if the kids attempt to hit each other he will catch them by their hand, protecting actually from each other!  Although my "kids" are adults and much older they still find it pleasurable to annoy each other and wrestle but have come to respect the Weimaraners pure spirit and need to have peace and calmness between family members. I can say I would seriously walk into a home with a pit bull before I would walk into a home with a weimaraner, that is because I know they will not allow you to enter unless they know you are suppose to be there.

I dont want my blogs to get into the history of the weimaraner because there is so much of that on the internet already. I want mine to be a closer look into the characters of the breed itself. The myths that lie around this breed and the responsibility it takes to own one. This breed is not good for someone who doesnt spend much time at home unless they can bring their weimaraner along with them. Weimaraner need a social life like the best of us.

If you have specific breed questions please ask! Many times that is how I come up with ideas on what to write about.